Robert Gray Elementary Logo


Longview, WA, USA


Elementary Student Handbook

Principal’s Welcome

Welcome Robert Gray Elementary Explorers! We are so happy to have you as part of our community. Robert Gray Elementary is a school
where rigorous learning, high standards and continuous improvement are the norms for learning and behavior every single day! We believe
that each student’s potential is best realized in a safe, supportive, and positive learning environment. With that in mind, the intent of this handbook is to provide you with basic information about rules and guidelines for Robert Gray Elementary
and the Longview School District. It is important that you read through the handbook and ask questions as needed.

Please pay particular attention this year to the cell phone/electronic device policy, as well as rules for bringing items from home such as gum,
candy, trading cards, and toys. Those are found on pages 7-8. These increasingly became and issue last school year so we want to draw your
attention to them early!

We are looking forward to an excellent year of learning!

Kristie Wall – Principal

Fast Facts